Tuesday, December 14, 2010


I had to cancel my drs appointment on Friday due to a bad stomach virus.  I couldn't keep anything down and I threw up about 30 times, seriously!  This meant I didn't get to hear about my results. :(

I didn't get to call yesterday because I was super busy at work.  I called today and the results were "all clear and everything looks great!".  Such awesome news.  Now since I was supposed to get my ultrasound on cd10-14 (and obviously I'm passed that) I have to go back on cd 1-5 and start the process over again.  Hopefully this time it will consist of a new step.  OOORRR you all can keep your fingers crossed for me and pray that this is our cycle! :) 

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Follow Up

Well I got to this appointment early.  Around 2:35 and checked in.  Filled out the paperwork and got situated.  By the time I went back to the room, undressed, got on the table, did the exam, went to the restroom to clean up and get dressed again the time frame was just under 15 minutes.  Not bad, huh?  I wish.

I took 3 ibuprofen before I left to the appointment.  I listened to Christmas music on the way over-to try and soothe my nerves! lol Got undressed and laid on the table.  The technician was awesome and talked me through it.  

It started off as a regular annual exam.  They inserted the little clicker thing and then inserted the LONG 12" catheter!  I'm glad I didn't see it at first.  I would have flipped the "f" out.  Anyway, I could feel it a little bit.  I could feel her digging (or whatever she was doing!!) around.  It was a bit uncomfortable.  It seemed like she inserted the catheter 3 times(and you better believe it made me lose my breath and jump about 10 inches off the table)....which makes me nervous about the results.  What if my uterus is tilted?  Anyway...she had me scoot back on the table and look at the computer screen. I saw the dye (couldn't feel it, thank goodness!) and had me roll over to my left and then again to my right.  Everything *looked* good but then again I'm not sure because she didn't say anything.  I will find out results either tomorrow or at my Dr's appointment on Friday.

Now I'm sitting here at home, cramping, spotting, and being baby'd by my husband! :) He went out and got dinner and cleaned up afterwards all the while I got to lay on the couch watching tv and surfing the web. :) 

Super Nervous

Today's my HSG and to say I'm nervous is really watering it down.  I don't know why I'm so nervous but I left work at 11 because I just couldn't concentrate on anything.  I figured I might as well take a 1/2 day, go home and try to relax.  I tried crocheting, watching tv, reading, surfing the web.  Nothing is curing my anxiety and I still have 1 more hour at home until I leave.  AHHH!  I'll update later and let you know how it went.