Monday, April 18, 2011

Beta #3

I came home from work and I've been soooooo sleepy!  I've been taking 2 hr naps and then I'm usually asleep in bed by 9:30 or 10.  It's nice to know that the little baby is growing inside so great.  I've been nervous. I'm not going to lie.  My first couple of betas were pretty low and It did make me think twice about this pregnancy.  I had a long talk with myself that "yes, you are pregnant! you need to enjoy this time.  you've waited a long time for this...."  Eventually it got through my big head and I've tried to just have fun with it all.  I love being pregnant.  Read: i love being pregnant and I haven't started the morning sickness. :) Here are my betas and progesterone levels.
11dpo-hcg:31 prg: 25.1
13dpo-hcg:51 prg:20.9
18dpo:803 prg:19.1

Saturday, April 16, 2011

4 weeks 2 days

how far along: 4 weeks and 2 days.

how big is baby: The size of a poppy seed!

symptoms: bloating, bloating and bloating.  Did I mention bloating?  My boobs are also really sore and I'm hungry all the time.  I don't really have a difference in smells though. 

cravings / aversions: Right now I am craving rice and hot sauce.  My baby is soooo mexican! :)

movement: way too early for any of that right now.

gender: At first I was dead set on it being a boy but here lately I keep saying "she".  I guess I'll just have to wait. 

belly button: no change

sleep: I catch myself napping after work anywhere from 1-3 hours.  Then going to bed at around 9:30.  I haven't been waking up early or anything but sometimes I can't fall asleep until around midnight and I'm wide awake at 5 am.

what i'm looking forward to: Seeing the hearbeat.  We have to wait until the first week of May and its killing me to wait that long.

what i miss: Nothing right now.

highlights this past week: Finding out we were pregnant.  It's the best feeling in the world.

Monday, April 11, 2011


We're PREGNANT!  Yes, you read that right...we.are.pregnant!  Right now we are really early and are only 3 weeks and 4 days-with an estimated due date of December 22!  I don't know what else I would rather have for Christmas!!

Tested on Saturday.  9dpo.  Big Fat Negative.

Tested Sunday morning.  10dpo.  Big Fat Positive!
Test 2 because I just needed "to make sure".  BFP!

Test again this morning.  11dpo
And just for grins:


Oh, I called the drs office and they let me go in today to do bloodwork instead of waiting until Thursday.  I was able to go and be back within an hour and since I had told my Principal about it all she was more than willing to let me leave during work hours.  I got results back and the nurse said "Laura, you are DEFINITELY pregnant!"  I couldn't help but say, "yay!!".  I am going back to take bloodwork again on Wednesday and then every week after until we hit 6 weeks.  On my 7th week (which is the 1st week of May) we will be able to go in for our first ultrasound!  So freakin excited about seeing our little bean....which is his name.  I say "his" because I feel it's a boy! :) She let me know my progesterone levels were 25.1 and they were looking for over 15 and then also my hcg level was 31.  Can't wait to see what Wednesday has in store for us. 

P.S. This is OBVIOUSLY not public knowledge.  Please do not spill the beans on facebook.  Gracias! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

Extreme Baby Fever

I want this cycle to work so badly!  It's making me go crazy.  I've never googled so many things in my life.  I over analyze things and want to read success stories with different scenarios.  My boobs have been hurting, ive had some head aches, hot flashes, cramps and cervical mucus like no tomorrow.  I realize all these are PMS symptoms but even then I'm excited because I don't normally experience these things. 

I go to sleep dreaming about how I will tell E about our pregnancy, or how we will tell family, or how we will decorate the nursery.  I hope 3 things: 1- This 2 week wait goes by quickly. 2- It ends in a BFP! 3. If its a BFN, I hope to find comfort and positive thoughts for the next cycle. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Yup, I believe i'm in my first ever  2 week wait.  Not 100% sure because I didn't chart this time around.  I will defitnitely be charting if there is a next time. 

The 2 week wait is the time from when you ovulated until you are able to find out if you're pregnant or get your period.  In this case, I would LOVE to see a positive pregnancy test rather than aunt flow.  If she does come, I know what this whole experience feels like for next time.  It's been one crazy ride.

I am scheduled to do blood work on April 14th which will determine if I'm pregnant or not. Unless I get my period before and then I'm supposed to call for another round of clomid.   I plan to test everyday starting Monday the 11th just to see what the tests say so I can be mentally prepared when I go into the drs office.