Things have been going great. We're moving right along. The throwing up has subsided (for now) and I'm enjoying pregnancy. This little (big) guy is moving right on track and makes sure to kick and punch me to keep me aware he's still growing. I'm in my 28th week and officially in my third trimester! I am super excited, things are starting to speed up.
I am now visiting my Dr every 2 weeks (WHOA!) and I go back on Friday. Apparently I am RH- which means I have a negative blood type and will need an extra 2 shots. One for sure (on Friday) and one after delivery depending what type of blood Lucas has when he's born. If he has a + bloodtype I'll have to get another shot, if he's - I won't. Apparently my blood could attack his and cause harm to one or both of us if it's not treated. Kind of nerve wracking but I know they are going to do the best they can for us both.
This past weekend my Sister and I went to a neighborhood wide yard sale and found a bunch of great (steals!!) items. I got 3 strollers (one lightweight for $5, one graco for $50 and an umbrella for FREE) , an almost new bumbo with tray for $15, tons of cute clothes for about .25 a piece, a BIG bag of socks for $2, and some more items. Here's the damage.
I have a very busy weekend ahead of me. On Friday I am off work to start setting up for a family bbq cookoff we do every year. I also have a dr's appt for my rhogam shot and my GD test. Send positive vibes for that. Saturday is the main day for the cookoff. We will compete for different categories. Then Sunday is my first baby shower! I'm excited!! My Sister, Friend and SIL are hosting my shower. My MIL is throwing me another shower but that one is yet to be determined. I will also have a work shower but that won't be until later in the year.
how far along: 25 weeks 2 days.
how big is baby: Baby P is about the size of an eggplant. During month six, the average fetus measures about 13.6 inches to 14.8 inches and weighs about 1.5 to 2.5 pounds.
weight gain / loss: I'm not sure. At my last appointment I was up 2 lbs from the appointment before. My next appointment isn't until the16th so I have another week in a half.
symptoms: None really. Still vomiting occasionally. I've accepted that this may last my whole pregnancy and I guess I'm okay with it.
cravings / aversions: I haven't really had any yet.
movement: He is constantly moving. Edgar got to feel him about 2 hours ago. His face was priceless!
gender: BOY!
belly button: Still an innie. Not sure if it will pop out. Hopefully later rather than sooner.
sleep: I'm still sleeping without any major problems. I hope it continues.
What am I looking forward to: my baby shower. It's october 1st and I'm pretty excited about it.
what i miss: Still sleeping on my back and stomach.
highlights this past week: Seeing Edgar's face when he felt the baby kick. It was awesome and something I will always remember.