Well I left work at 7:45 thinking I had enough time to make it to the dr's office by 8:15 and I guess I underestimated because I didn't arrive until 8:20 and had to wait until they could squeeze me in and didn't get seen until 9:15. I was tired of waiting but it was my own fault. Oh well!
She's happy with my progress on my parlodel and prednisone. She figures that is why I had my first regular cycle in a LONG time. I didn't get to start clomid like I thought was going to happen. Instead I had to schedule an HSG(Hysterosalpingogram) which is a test to see if my tubes are blocked by anything. They insert dye and see how it travels through my vagina and cervix. Sorry for the scientific words...lol! The test only lasts about 5 minutes from start to finish and will cause some spotting and cramping afterwards. There are rumors going around that it ups the chances of getting pregnant because it "cleans out your system". We'll see. This is scheduled for December 8th.
24 hrs after the HSG we are supposed to have sex and then go in on the 10th for an ultrasound to see how the sperm is doing with everything on the inside. Niiiice! lol
Overall I'm okay with the dr's appointment. We aren't doing clomid just yet. It's fine. I'de rather try different things to make sure we aren't skipping any corners and not finding what is the problem. Either way-I'll keep you guys updated.
I'm cramping like crazy and I feel like there's this little man inside me chopping up my insides. AUGH! I forgot what cramps felt like....and *TMI ALERT* my period is soooo heavy I'm having to use a TAMPON and a PAD! WTH!?!? Edgar was super nice and went to the store to get me some pads because I just couldn't get off the couch! Yes, I can act like a baby...I don't normally experience these things. I'm off to bed! :)
P.S. We are leaving to California for a family wedding on Thursday so I probably won't check back in until after my dr's appointment on Wednesday. Peace out!
any sort of progress is good news- woo hoo! also, on the tmi route, i totally freakin' feel you. since i got off the pill and my cycles became regular again AF is like 7 days of obnoxiousness with full-blown cramping. i never realized how much more pleasant life was on the pill! anyways, i feel your pain sista. good luck with the "clean out" haha