Thursday, February 24, 2011


Sorry about not blogging lately.  I went through a phase of "is this really something I want to be doing" to "ahh, not sure if we're really ready to have a child" to "well I guess we aren't meant to have children" to "snap out of it Laura, you WILL have just need to find the right dr!". With so many things going around in my head it was hard to concentrate on anything.  With the holidays and vacations life was just speeding by.  It seems my life has halted for a bit and I'm ready to pick back up on the blogging life.

I dropped my RE like a bad habit.  It wasn't that she was bad.  It wasn't that she was mean.  It was just that she wasn't going as fast as I would like.  I realize she was just trying different things to see if they worked, tried to get my body back into gear, wanted me to try this and that. Really it was all making me more and more disapointed and more and more unconfident about what kind of decision we were making.  I wanted this to be a special process not something that I would regret in the future.

A lady I work with has went through this exact thing.  She was successful a little over 2 yrs ago and is ready to start trying again for number 2.  She recommended me to this fertility clinic and so I decided to make an appointment.  Today is our appointment.  I'm excited/nervous/anxious to find out what the plan will be.  I'm ready to be moving foward, for real this time.  I know this decision was a smart move and I can't wait to see the outcome.

1 comment:

  1. Crossing my fingers for you lady! Hope everything works out and this clinic works out better than the last doctor. Let me know how it goes! Hugs!
