Monday, March 21, 2011


I got to my appointment at 3:30.  Went in, got undressed and had another internal ultrasound to make sure everything looked "normal".  Everything was good to go and I got my prescription for clomid.  Everything I've been waiting for!!  It's so nice to have a dr that is actually helping me instead of one that I felt was hurting me.  I got my 5 day prescription and was instructed to take one tonight and the other 4 everyday when I first wake up.  My last pill will be taken on Friday-the day before my 26th birthday.  He told me it didn't matter when we did the deed because I will not have ovulated yet.  He had me make another appointment for March 30th and that will determine if my body succeeded with clomid or if I didn't have any kind of reaction to it.  If I did-I will be most fertile April 1-3.  This is exciting that this could even be a possibility! 

He also checked out all my other appointment info from the other dr and told me to stop taking the meds the other dr had me on.  That was exciting!  Now I'm on just my prenatals and clomid and i'm excited to see where this leads me! 

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