My little guy is already 1 month old. He is growing so fast and needs to slow down a little.
Yesterday he rolled over on the couch. Edgar was playing with him and put him down, he rolled from his back to his stomach. Edgar's face was priceless! He thought it was just the coolest thing ever. I knew it was/is probably a fluke but it was nice for him to experience something.
This month has brought on a bunch of changes. He's brought us closer together, E and I. I couldn't even imagine the joy he would have brought to our lives but he did it. It's such an amazing feeling being a Mom and I'm sure E feels the same way being a Dad.
Landon loves him. He always wants to hold "his baby" and wants to give him his pacifier when he's crying or cover him up because he's czold. He is constantly asking about his "Lupus" lol because a 1 1/2 yr old can't really say Lucas correctly. He wants to come over or us to go over there everyday. He calls him at night to tell him his prayers and its just so cute. I can't wait for them to grow up together. They are going to be good friends and definately a handful!
I don't have stats on him but right now he just moved up to eating 4 oz every 4-5 hours or so. He still sleeps like a champ. He's been going to sleep around 10-11 and staying asleep until about 4 or 5,eating and then waking up for the day around 9 am. It's nice to get a good chunk of sleep. He loves bath time and doesn't cry. He loves when I scrub his hair and always falls asleep during this part. He's still sleeping in our room in his bassinet but I think we may start to transition him to his crib soon. I always said I was going to put him in his crib from day 1 but I never did. It's funny how things change.
ETA: I forgot to add that he is a pro at lifting his head. He does it with absolutely no problem whatsoever. he's been lifting his head since his 2nd day of life . He's a strong little guy. He has also been laughing in his sleep. It's absolutely adorable.
If he's given us this much joy, laughter and happiness in just his 1 little month of life I can't wait to see what the rest of his life brings us!
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