We had a fun time with friends! Their stay was much too short but definately needed. While I love my Lucas, it was nice to be able to leave him with family and go out and have a good time. Mommy even got a little drink!
We spent a lot of time playing travel agent. We made a trip to San Antonio to visit the Alamo
and visited some places in Austin. We even got my favorite "Hey Cupcake"
Eventually they had to leave and life went on. Lucas was restless on my chest last night while I was trying to put him to sleep so I layed him down in his RockNPlay and he put himself to sleep around 10 PM. We're slowly trying to move up his 11 PM bedtime without throwing the little schedule we have off. E had to be at work super early this morning so when he left he informed me I would need to be aware and do the 4 am feeding. I felt like either time stood still or I had slept through Lucas crying. I frantically rolled over only to find that it was 6:52 AM and my son was still sleeping! It was awesome! Since my alarm was going to go off at 7 and I still needed to feed him and get dressed myself I decided to just get out of bed. I was able to do all the things I needed to do and drop him off at my Sister's by 7:45 so I could go and get an ultrasound of my gallbladder. That was quick and I was back home by 9:30. We spent the afternoon at my Sister's house and then came home. Lucas took an almost 3 hour nap and I was able to get the laundry done and snuck in some lunch. He's been sleeping like crazy today so I'm assuming he's also growing. We were able to sneak in a photo session too. lol Mom was a little bored today:
cute baby