Monday, March 17, 2014

Life is much busier with 2 kids...

I've been meaning to post for the past year, seriously.  Life just had other plans.

Nathan was born at 38 weeks 2 days.  December 9, 2013. Yup, EXACTLY 2 years after Lucas.  Happy Birthday, Lucas-You have a baby brother!  We had just had his Jake and the Neverland Pirates birthday party that day, December 8th.  My family stayed over to help me clean up my house.  It looked so sparkly.  I sat on the couch after Lucas had a rough night getting to sleep.  I posted on Facebook, as I often do, and said "Okay Nathan, we are ready when you are!"  No less than 5 minutes I felt a mild gush.  I looked over at Edgar who was intently watching tv.  I told him I had either peed my pants or my water broke. He didn't seem too concerned and told me to shut up. lol After going to the restroom and calling my Sister, I convinced myself to call the after hours nurse line.  It was almost 10 pm at this time.  The nurse called me back and had me come in to just get checked out.  Cue panic mode.  I knew this was it.  I had taken off work a bit early in hopes to spend time with Lucas and enjoy our time together, just the 2 of us.  Nathan had his own way of how things should work. 

The baby's bag had been packed for a bit but I didn't have anything packed for Lucas (he was going to be staying with my Sister).  I was on the phone with the nurse running from room to room gathering clothes for everyone.  Edgar was still sitting on the couch, not really realizing what was going on.  Since I was having a repeat c section I wasn't sure if I was going to go into labor immediately or not, so I was trying to get to the hospital as soon as possible.  We got Lucas packed up and dropped him off at my Sister's house.  The delivery of the 2nd baby was MUCH different than our first.  No one dropped what they were doing to come to the hospital.  It just wasn't as "exciting" I guess.  We called E's parents and they said to let us know what was going on.  My Sister and BIL said to call them once we found out anything.  We got to the hospital about 10:40 pm.  As we were driving I continued to feel gushes as the car hit bumps so I knew this was it. I started getting exciting and nervous at the same time.  

We arrived at the hospital and headed upstairs to check in.  I didn't feel much movement so I asked if that was normal. They assured me it was.  They got all my information down while they were getting an exam room ready and laughed when I said my 1st son's birthday was in just a few hours and by the looks of things-they were going to be sharing a birthday.  Everyone was in shock that this could happen! I eventually got checked and they said that yes my water had broken and we were going to deliver this baby.  Luckily my doctor just happened to be on call so she was able to do the surgery and deliver him. 

Nathan Alessandro Perez was born on December 9, 2013 at 2:06 am.  He weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 20.5" long.  I was so scared and worried that I wasn't going to be able to love another child as much as I did Lucas.  Those feelings are long gone and I can't remember our family without him.  He's such a sweetheart!

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