Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Real funny, life. Real funny.

Have you ever just wanted to sleep for a full week straight?  Not come out from under the covers? Not get out of bed?  Just lay there and let life pass you by?  That's how I've been feeling lately.  I've been dodging bullets left and right these past few weeks and I'm ready for life to go back to normal.  Luckily, things with the boys and E are great.  I just wish everything else would go back to "easy" and fast.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

What's in a normal day?

There has been plenty of talk about how working Mom's balance their day to include their kids as well. Before I was a Mom I thought I was busy.  Being a Mom of 1 I thought I was busy.  Now that I'm a Mom of 2, goodness!  I'm not quite sure how everything gets done, but it does.  Sure my house could use a deep clean.  Or I can catch up on my laundry throughout out the week.  I've learned that I have to let go and things will eventually get done.  And if they don't, oh freaking well!

A typical day for me is as follows:

6:45 my alarm goes off.  I wake up and get dressed for work.  I wake Lucas up and put his socks and shoes on.  I go to Nathan's crib, change him and put in his car seat.  Grab all of our bags and lunches and then leave.

7:30-Arrive at my Sister's and drop the boys off inside.  Talk with her a bit.

7:45-Get to work.  I work until 4.

4:00 Leave work to pick up the boys.

Some days we head home, some days we head to the park, some days we run errands.  It all just depends on the day.

Once we get home I let Lucas go run outside in the backward or play with his toys in his room.  I lay Nathan down for tummy time or to play on his activity mat.  I immediately unpack the diaper bag and repack for the next day.  I also wash bottles at this time and refill the formula containers.  I pack lunches for the next day and leave those in the fridge.  By this time its usually time to start cooking dinner. Sometimes I do all these things at once-cook dinner, pack bags and lunches.  I sometimes throw a load of laundry in at this time too.  Everything is done in the kitchen so I can keep an eye on both boys and still do what I need to do.  If Edgar is home at this time its helpful.  If not, totally doable by myself.

Once dinner is ready we all sit at the table.  Nathan is able to eat food and sit in his bumbo now so he is usually at the table with us as well.  We need to pull the high chair back inside from the garage so he can use that.  We eat dinner.  The kitchen gets cleaned while the other one of us gives the boys a bath.  They both take baths at the same time.  Nathan is still in his bathtub, in the big bathtub, while Lucas uses the other half and plays around. Lucas likes to be by the faucet because he likes to stick his head underneath.  He has also started to love taking showers, so we will turn the shower on for him and just make sure the shower head is pointed straight down.

After bath time they both get their PJ's on.  Depending on the time,  they either play or get ready for bed.  Their bedtime is between 8:30/9:00.  Most days they both fall asleep right away.  Some days Lucas wants to stay awake or wants the other one of us not putting him to sleep.  The house gets quiet eventually.

After the boys are down its usually our "us" time.  This usually includes watching a show that is on tv or going to sleep ourselves.  Lately, we've all been asleep by 9:30.

Nathan is sleeping through the night right now so our day doesn't start again until my alarm goes off at 6:45 the next morning.

We have a pretty good thing going.  It seems to be working, so it's what we do.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

1st night in his crib

Nathan had his first full night's sleep in his crib last night.  He did so good.  He slept the whole night without one small peep.  :) Me on the other hand, not so much.  I kept waking up and listening to the monitor for the sound of his breathing.  I figured it would be easier with him being the 2nd child, it wasn't.  If anything it was MUCH harder because he doesn't share a wall with us like Lucas did in the duplex.  Now, if only we can work on not having him swaddled.  :)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Life is much busier with 2 kids...

I've been meaning to post for the past year, seriously.  Life just had other plans.

Nathan was born at 38 weeks 2 days.  December 9, 2013. Yup, EXACTLY 2 years after Lucas.  Happy Birthday, Lucas-You have a baby brother!  We had just had his Jake and the Neverland Pirates birthday party that day, December 8th.  My family stayed over to help me clean up my house.  It looked so sparkly.  I sat on the couch after Lucas had a rough night getting to sleep.  I posted on Facebook, as I often do, and said "Okay Nathan, we are ready when you are!"  No less than 5 minutes I felt a mild gush.  I looked over at Edgar who was intently watching tv.  I told him I had either peed my pants or my water broke. He didn't seem too concerned and told me to shut up. lol After going to the restroom and calling my Sister, I convinced myself to call the after hours nurse line.  It was almost 10 pm at this time.  The nurse called me back and had me come in to just get checked out.  Cue panic mode.  I knew this was it.  I had taken off work a bit early in hopes to spend time with Lucas and enjoy our time together, just the 2 of us.  Nathan had his own way of how things should work. 

The baby's bag had been packed for a bit but I didn't have anything packed for Lucas (he was going to be staying with my Sister).  I was on the phone with the nurse running from room to room gathering clothes for everyone.  Edgar was still sitting on the couch, not really realizing what was going on.  Since I was having a repeat c section I wasn't sure if I was going to go into labor immediately or not, so I was trying to get to the hospital as soon as possible.  We got Lucas packed up and dropped him off at my Sister's house.  The delivery of the 2nd baby was MUCH different than our first.  No one dropped what they were doing to come to the hospital.  It just wasn't as "exciting" I guess.  We called E's parents and they said to let us know what was going on.  My Sister and BIL said to call them once we found out anything.  We got to the hospital about 10:40 pm.  As we were driving I continued to feel gushes as the car hit bumps so I knew this was it. I started getting exciting and nervous at the same time.  

We arrived at the hospital and headed upstairs to check in.  I didn't feel much movement so I asked if that was normal. They assured me it was.  They got all my information down while they were getting an exam room ready and laughed when I said my 1st son's birthday was in just a few hours and by the looks of things-they were going to be sharing a birthday.  Everyone was in shock that this could happen! I eventually got checked and they said that yes my water had broken and we were going to deliver this baby.  Luckily my doctor just happened to be on call so she was able to do the surgery and deliver him. 

Nathan Alessandro Perez was born on December 9, 2013 at 2:06 am.  He weighed 7lbs 2 oz and was 20.5" long.  I was so scared and worried that I wasn't going to be able to love another child as much as I did Lucas.  Those feelings are long gone and I can't remember our family without him.  He's such a sweetheart!