Thursday, November 17, 2011

35 wks 3 days

It's getting harder and harder to wake up in the morning!  I feel like I could sleep for many more hours!  We are in bed by 9 or 10 every night and I wake up at 6:15 (ish) so its not like I'm not getting my 8 hours....I just wish it were a little more!  I'm almost out for Thanksgiving break so I will be able to sleep in all I want next week.  I'm so excited about that.  

After we get back from Thanksgiving break I will only have 3 weeks of work left.  I'm so looking forward to the maternity leave.  I've been back and forth about how many weeks I'll take off and I've finally decided my last day of work will be Friday December 16th and I won't come back until Monday March 5th. It turns out to be 11 weeks.  I could take 12 and then get the following week off for Spring break and not be back until March 19th but I want to be able to ease back into work.  Going back for a  full week and then having a week off will help the process, I think.  Plus, the baby will be with my Sister so it's not like he's going to be at some random daycare or some place else.  I will have easy access to him and I'm very thankful for that.  

I've thought a lot lately about how labor will happen.  Will my water break at work?  Will I be at home by myself?  Will Edgar be able to make it to the hospital at a reasonable amount of time if he is at work?  Will it be a long drawn out process?  Will it be so fast I won't know what happened?  All of these questions and I can't wait for them to be answered.  We are literally down to single weeks, weeks I can count on one hand and I can't believe the time is finally here.  I have an appointment with my GD Specialist on Tuesday and then an appointment on Wednesday with my OBGYN and she will see if I have any sort of progress going on.  Please keep your fingers crossed that I do.  I'm so ready for this little guy to be here.

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