Monday, November 28, 2011

37 Weeks and FULL TERM!

So excited to announce that I'm FULL TERM today! :) The little guy could come any day now and it would be perfectly fine with me.  I'm still betting on the 21st of December (when they will have to force him out) but a girl can dream right?!?

I saw my Dr this morning and found out the GBS test came back negative!  I was surprised to hear that because I am RH negative, I have Gestational Diabetes, didn't have any progress last week, being positive for the strep was just right up my ally.  :) I was really happy to hear it was negative though, one less thing to worry about. I also found out I was 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.  What does that mean?  It means, its real!  Labor is just around the corner and I am stoked!  I am super anxious about the actual labor part.  I've spoken to a couple of people about it and they've all said that once it happens, the anxiety will be out the window.  I really hope this is the case.  It's the only thing i've really been nervous about this whole pregnancy.  

There aren't any real plans of induction as of now.  I will see my regular dr again on Monday and she will check for progress.  I'll see my GD dr on Tuesday and we will have an ultrasound to measure how big the baby is right now.  From there we will go on to determine if I will be induced earlier than 40 weeks or if I'll be induced at exactly 40 weeks.  Either way, the end is in sight.  December 21st.  I will have an outside baby by Christmas and for that I'm truly blessed!

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