Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I'm on a 10 day supply of progesterone which will cause me to get my period.  Today makes day 5.  If I have not had my period 14 days after my last pill I am supposed to contact the fertility center.  When I do get my period I am supposed to call and set up an appointment for clomid.  I'm most excited for this but also nervous as heck.  I can't keep off the internet googling/searching/reading boards  about successes/losses/etc on clomid.  This is all a very tiring process but the end result is totally worth it! 

I'm feeling very optimistic that it will happen for us very soon.  I find myself traveling to the baby section in the stores that we shop in instead of avoiding it.  We look up nursery ideas and baby names.  All things we haven't done in a LONG time because I had lost all hope.  I'm really glad my attitude has changed and I'm hoping for a fantastic outcome! :)


  1. Oh Laura I am SO excited and happy for you guys!! I'm crossing every finger, toe, appendage I have that it works for you this go round lady! How exciting!!

  2. you are totally going to succeed on clomid! if you chart while you're on it, you'll be able to know it's working when your cycle changes. that's how i just KNEW we'd be successful. can't wait to hear how the first month goes!
