Monday, June 20, 2011

14 Weeks

This is Baby P at 13 weeks.  I decided (very last minute) to get the NT Scan (which is also known as the first trimester screening).  You can only get the test done by 13 weeks 6 days.  I got it done just in the knick of time.  The day of the tests all my ultrasounds looked good.  The measurements were exactly what they were looking for and baby had the hiccups.  It was the cutest thing ever.  The nurse called me on Friday to let me know all my blood results came back in the normal range and we are good to go.  No further testing needed.  This made me really happy and excited!  It also made it more real. 

I've been an emotional wreck lately.  Between all the Holidays (mother's and father's day) death anniversaries and my parents wedding anniversary its been a tough 2 months or so.  I've learned how to cope with them being gone-it's just adding in all the extra pregnancy hormones and watching all these baby shows on tv make me realize I will never get to share this special event with my parents.  My children will always know who their Grandparents are and will know they are always watching over them, as do I.  I just realized it will take a whole lot of getting used too.

I'm 14 weeks today and around 12 weeks or so I was stuck with gagging and occasional vomiting.  WTF!?! lol I had been doing great all the 1st trimester and aren't you SUPPOSED to feel better in the 2nd trimester?  Anyway, it started off in the morning, then went to around lunch time and now its in the evening stage.  Luckily it hasn't been every day like it used to be, which makes me believe hope it's almost over.  I'm having trouble sleeping at night.  I've always been a stomach sleeper and just recently it has been super uncomfortable laying on my stomach so I've been teaching myself to side sleep.  Between tossing, turning and wanting to wake up at 4 (when E gets up for work) I am losing some major ZZZZZ's.

I've also been hit with the "I want to register" bug.  It's killing me not to have a plan in place for our baby.  I realize I should wait until we find out the gender but I feel like even then it's procrastinating. lol I know things might not be in the stores come October when its baby shower time but I still have that nagging sensation in the back of my head.  I also have a feeling its a girl.  I say girl and E says boy.  I guess we'll see.  Can't believe its coming up soon.  I have an appt in 3 days and then I'm guessing she will be able to tell me when I can schedule the big anatomy scan.  EEEEKKKK!!! :)

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