Friday, May 6, 2011

Meet our little bean!

We were measuring ahead 3 days which puts my unofficial due date at December 19th instead of the 22nd.  I am going back for a second ultrasound on the 19th to make sure everything is going good.  If all checks out I will graduate from the fertility clinic and then go to my obgyn.  Speaking of-I need to find one that will deliver at the hospital we want to deliver at.  The heartbeat was at 152 bpm and we even got to hear it!  It was amazing!!! :)

We couldn't have been any happier and we are so extremly grateful for this blessing in our lives.  We went public on facebook and at work yesterday so now the majority of the people we come into daily contact with know.  It's such a good feeling to be able to rejoice with everyone and get their blessings!  Can't wait to see our little baby again,soon!


  1. I recently started seeing dr. christina sebestyen. she delivers at namc (supposed to be good???). I really like her. I've been through my share of obgyns and I thinks she's the first one I really "clicked" with. She also has midwives as part of her practice.

    Anyway. I'd recc her - if you were looking for a recommendation.

    Once again, congrats on your little bean. I'm so very happy for you both!

  2. Thank you! That's the hospital we want to deliver at. I'll look into her. Thank you!
