Wednesday, December 28, 2011

2 1/2 week update

My little (big!) guy is now 2.5 weeks and weighs a whopping 8lbs13oz.  He has gained 2 lbs since he's been home.  He definately doesn't have a problem eating.  :)  He also switched up to size 1 diapers and I'm packing away all his newborn outfits.  He only had about 8 button up sleepers that he wore and he used them plenty of times.  I need to start washing his 0-3 sleepers and outfits.  He still fits in his newborn pants and sweatpants but I will definately pack up everything else.  I'm sad he's growing so fast.  I want him to be a baby for forever! 

He sleeps really well.  I have no complaints in that department.  He kind of made his own little schedule and is starting to stay awake a little more during the day.  He eats when he wakes up which is about every 3-4 hours.  He only wakes up 1 time at night to eat.  If we time it right (and he cooperates) he will wake up when E is going to work and I get a good 7-8 hours of sleep.  That's always nice when it works out that way. 

Our First Christmas was wonderful!  It was great to have our little guy with us and spend time with family.  we spent Christmas Eve with E's family and Christmas day with my family.  It's always great to be able to split time with family and not have to worry about making people mad.  I received a new lens for my camera from Edgar and Lucas, along with the movie Dolphin Tale.  I have yet to watch the movie though, but I'm hoping to watch it sometime this week. 

Yesterday I bought E tickets to see the New Orleans Saints vs Carolina Panthers tickets for their last game of the regular season.  We will be going to NO on Saturday and coming back on Monday.  I'm glad he's off work because that was the help to make the ultimate decision.  I'm excited to bring in the New Year someplace we've both never been together.  I went to NO my sr year in high school so its been a good 8 years since I've been there.  We are also taking my Sister so she can babysit Lucas while we watch the game but we will go sight seeing all day Saturday and half the day Sunday.  It's going to be so much fun and I can't wait to use my lens. 

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