Thursday, December 8, 2011

38 wk check up turned induction!

I went on Monday to my 38 wk check up.  It was a very routine deal, nothing out of the ordinary was supposed to happen.  The nurse took my weight and bp.  She realized my bp was higher than normal.  I explained that I had allergies/cold and had been taking benadryl but haven't done anything else different compared to last week.  We went along with the appointment and the dr mentioned I had a higher level of protein in my urine.  Hmmm, ok.  So she explains that they are going to check me and check the hb of the baby.  Everything was normal.  I was still about a 2-3 dilated and 70% effaced.  She asked if I had any swelling and I lifted up my pant legs and showed her my legs were a bit more swollen than normal for the morning hours.  She brought out her reflex tool and started banging at my knees.  My right one didnt bounce at all but my left one did.  She was pushing and rubbing and didn't seem to excited about the whole thing.  She explained that they were going to take my bp again.  It was still high, but a very tiny bit lower than what it was before. 
Then I got the "pre-eclampsia talk".  I wasn't ready for this but I definately knew it was an option considering my history with GD.  She told me we were going to do a 24 hr urine check and that I would need to go drop it off exactly 24 hrs after I started it.  I would have to wait for blood work and then I would need to see my GD dr.  If I had one more high blood pressure reading I would be sent to L&D immediately.  I was realy panicked because I wasn't ready for this kind of news.  She told me that if the urine sample came back high I would be induced.  If my GD saw low amniotic fluid, I would be induced.  Basically right then, I knew this guy was coming way sooner than later.
Fast forward to the next day, I go and visit with my GD dr.  Everything seems fine.  My BP was great, the baby looked good, the amniotic fluid was fine and my sugar levels were in the safe range too.  He said he wasn't sending me to be induced but ultimately the decision would be on the 24  urine sample.  I also had to make appointments with his office for 2x a week now as I am now considered high(er)-risk.  After I left there I gave E a call because he was at work waiting on pins and needles.  Wondering if he needed to leave right away and meet me at the hospital.  I went to drop off my urine sample, gave blood and then left. They told me I should know something the following day (Wednesday).
Wednesday morning my alarm went off at 9 am.  I forgot to mention after my Monday appointment the dr decided to take me off work.  This was a whole 2 weeks earlier than I had previously wanted but a whole week earlier than I had recently decided.  This was a shock because my boss wasn't even at work that day and I had to text her the news.  Anyway, my phone rang a little after 9 and I shot out of the bed because it was my dr's office calling.  She explained the urine results were high but not high enough for an emergency induction and that we needed to be at L&D Friday December 9th at 6 A.M.  Talk about a splash of cold water in the face to wake you up in the morning.  It was so unreal.  I thought they would let me go at least 1 more week and then talk about induction.  NOPE! I called E right away and we talked about it and the more I seemed to get nervous the more excited he seemed to get.  I will do anything to keep this baby healthy and if that means to deliver early, well then so be it. 
So today, could technically be my last "free day".  No baby....but I can not wait for tomorrow.  I want to hold him and kiss him and love him.  I can't wait for our family to be complete.  Afterall, this is what we've been waiting for. 


  1. I hope everything goes well for you all!

  2. Thank you! I was wondering if anyone was still reading. :)
