Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10-10, Tummy Time and Godparents

Lucas slept from 10pm-10am and only woke up at 4:20 to eat a bottle before Daddy went to work.  It was amazing!  My body doesn't really know how to handle all this sleep at once but in no way am I compaining.  Right now he only sleeps about half the night in his bassinet and the other half in his lamb.  I think he likes to be a little elevated and not all the way on his back.  I honestly think he will sleep better on his side or even on his tummy but I'm nervous to let him.  So, right now, we are just doing what works.  We ordered the Fisher Price Rock N Play and it was delivered to the post office today.  I'm excited to see how he sleeps in it.  It's a bit elevated so I dont think he's going to have a problem staying asleep in it.  As soon as he wakes up from his nap (yup he woke up at 10 and its only 12:20 and hes already napping!) we will head to the post office....or if E gets home before we venture out we will send him. 

Our pedi told us to allow him to do "tummy time" on our chest.  He lifts his head like a pro.  I've seen major neck control and he goes way out there and just looks around.  He has no problem controlling his head and moving back and forth.  Yesterday and today I figured it was time to have him try tummy time on the floor.  Ha!  He HATES it!  I only have him down there for about 3 minutes or so but he just gets so fed up.  I lay down there and talk to him but it doesn't seem to matter.  E told me he will learn to like it, we just have to keep doing it.  I know he'll get there, it will just take time.  Here's a picture of him after he was pretty frustrated and wanting me to pick him up. 
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Godparents.  It has been a very tough decision for us because we come from a VERY large family with so many people to choose from.  Edgar knew from the beginning he wanted his best friend Roland to be the Godfather.  We figured we would also ask his wife, Lorie to be his Godmother.  We were very happy with our decision and can't wait to see him grow with the help of two loving people.  I've contacted the Church to see what we needed to do to get the ball rolling and I am going tomorrow to turn in his birth certificate so we can get started.  From there they will contact us to get signed up for classes and then we can pick a date for the Baptism.  They only do them the last Saturdays of the month and I don't think we will make January but I think we will make February.  Right now, I'm shooting for February 25th.  I need to start planning but I don't want too until I know for sure what day we will have it.  I need to make invitations, rent the park pavilion for the lunch/dinner afterwards, see if we are going to do music or anything else.  It's going to be a BIG celebration and I'm excited!!

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